
Christoph Anthes. A Collaborative Interaction Framework for Networked Virtual Environments. PhD Thesis at Institute of Graphics and Parallel Processing at JKU Linz, Austria, August 2009. BibTeX

Christoph Anthes, Philipp Aumayr, Clemens Birklbauer, Roland Hackl, Marlene Hochrieser, Roland Hopferwieser, Simon Opelt, Christoph Payrhuber, Mika Satomi, Stefan Simmer, Georg Stevenson, Roland Landertshamer, Bernhard Lehner, Marina Lenger, Martin Lenzelbauer, Clemens Mock, and Alexander Wilhelm. Space Trash - Developement of a Networked Immersive Virtual Reality Installation. Technical Report at Institute of Graphics and Parallel Processing, Johannes Kepler University Linz, June 2009. BibTeX

Christoph Anthes, Mika Satomi, Alexander Wilhelm, Christa Sommerer, and Jens Volkert. Space Trash - An Interactive Networked Virtual Reality Installation. In Proceedings of the 11th Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC '09), pages 107-118, Laval, France, April 2009. BibTeX

Christoph Anthes, Roland Landertshamer, Hemut Bressler, and Jens Volkert. Developing VR Applications for the Grid. In Proccedings of the European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par '08), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, August 2008. BibTeX

Christoph Anthes, Alexander Wilhelm, Roland Landertshamer, Helmut Bressler, and Jens Volkert. Net'O'Drom - An Example for the Development of Networked Immersive VR Applications. In Proccedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS '07), pages 752-759, Beijing, China, May 2007. BibTeX

Christoph Anthes, Roland Landertshamer, and Jens Volkert. Physically-Based Interaction for Networked Virtual Environments. In Proccedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS '07), pages 776-783, Beijing, China, May 2007. BibTeX

Christoph Anthes, Roland Landertshamer, Helmut Bressler, and Jens Volkert. Managing Transformations and Events in Networked Virtual Environments. In Proccedings of the ACM Multimedia Modeling (MMM '07), pages 722-729, Singapore, January 2007. BibTeX

Helmut Bressler, Roland Landertshamer, Christoph Anthes, and Jens Volkert. An efficient Physics Engine for Virtual Worlds. In Proccedings of the medi@terra, pages 152-158, Athens, Greece, October 2006. BibTeX

Christoph Anthes and Jens Volkert. inVRs - A Framework for Building Interactive Networked Virtual Reality Systems. In Proccedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC '06), pages 894-904, Munich, Germany, September 2006. BibTeX

Adrian Haffegee, Ronan Jamieson, Christoph Anthes, and Vassil N. Alexandrov. Tools For Collaborative VR Application Development. In Proccedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS '05), pages 350-358, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 2005. BibTeX

Christoph Anthes, Paul Heinzlreiter, Gerhard Kurka, and Jens Volkert. Navigation models for a flexible, multi-mode VR Navigation Framework. In Proccedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI '04), pages 476-479, Singapore, June 2004. BibTeX


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